Help us launch a resource organizing network in Alabama image

Help us launch a resource organizing network in Alabama

$1,851 raised

$20,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Resource organizing is a key piece to rebuilding our nation. Building new institutions from the bottom up, controlled by and serving regular people is the path forward. We have a collection of established organizations and startups ready for the task. Please consider donating at the end of the year to sustain and support our efforts.

The Automotive Free Clinic is a free and low cost automotive repair shop in Prattville, Alabama. Since the beginning of the pandemic we have:

  • Repaired, inspected, or maintained over 130 vehicles.
  • Given away a Cadillac CTS, a Ford Explorer, and a Nissan Sentra.
  • Secured a brick and mortar location.
  • Incubated three organizations across the Southeastern US.
  • Launched an automotive technology podcast called Nismo Neal and the Professor.
  • Hosted a panel discussion highlighting young women leaders in Alabama.
  • Hosted a 4wd Truck Show.
  • Launched a right to repair legislative campaign

It’s been a great 18 months, but we need your help to keep going. Please consider donating to close out the year.

Lamplight is a free summer camp for teens in Marshall County, AL. Lamplight develops campers’ civic and leadership skills and then supports them as they apply those skills to their lives and their community. Lamplight’s curriculum includes:

  • Labor: Campers work on projects such as woodworking, interior design, painting, and landscaping
  • Community Service: Campers organize direct aid drives and volunteer for local organizations such as thrift stores and food pantries
  • Research: Campers research local problems by interviewing community members and role playing solutions
  • Conflict Mediation: Campers practice managing conflicts in healthy and productive ways
  • Self-governance: Campers run the camp themselves through group meetings and committees

We are looking forward to our 3rd official session this July. Every donation puts more resources in the hands of the campers as they begin to plan the camp for themselves moving forward!

Neighborhood Car Care (NCC) is a startup nonprofit organization based in the Woodlawn neighborhood, east of downtown Birmingham, AL. Our mission is to provide low-cost and free automobile repair and preventative maintenance to low-income residents of the metro area. We put special focus on four aspects of maintenance which most directly affect the car's ability to provide dependable transportation for its owner: oil, coolant, brakes, and tires. Our goal is to help improve the reliability of our clients' cars and prevent the negative economic impacts that arise from a lack of accessible transportation by raising awareness, providing education, and performing hands-on service.

Re-entry Rides is a transportation infrastructure service startup for formerly incarcerated individuals. It is led by a formerly incarcerated person. The concept is simple. Formerly incarcerated individuals are given rides to work, school, the grocery store, the doctor, etc at free or low cost on a donation basis. Transportation is a significant barrier for formerly incarcerated individuals and this program will help with recidivism. The program launches in January of 2022. We hope to eventually grow this into a half-way house for formerly incarcerated transgender people.